Awards Presentation night


Friday 22nd March Hook & Southborough Bowling Club Competitions Presentation Evening. Members and guests spent an enjoyable evening at the club for the annual presentation of awards for club competitions. The evening kicked off with drinks before the presentation of awards to the winners and runners up in the 14 competitions.

Well done Des Cripps the competition secretary for coordinating all the matches which ran throughout the 2023 season. Congratulations to Una Douglas — Ladies Champion, Jill Cripps — Ladies Handicap, Des Cripps — Men’s Champion, David Savage — Men’s Handicap. Also Andrew Evans who came away with four trophies. A full list can be seen on the website. A special Hotshot award from Bowls International Magazine was also made to David Dobinson, Brian Wells, Derek St Romaine and Andrew Evans for scoring a maximum 8 shots on a single end last year at home against Southey Bowling Club.

Linda Dobinson aided by other members of the club provided a delicious buffet. Karen Houle twisted everyone’s arms to buy raffle ticket and raised a princely sum for club funds.

The evening finished with more liquid refreshment from the bar and everyone went home having enjoyed a great social evening together.

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